There's No Such Thing As Bad Energy... Or Is There?

1800---There's No Such Thing As Bad Energy... Or Is There?

Adulting is a tough gig. It’s probably why we all get hooked on bitter bean juice when we hit our uni days just to feel something.

That something is energy, obvi.

Uni, work, kiddos, general life stuff. There’s a heckin’ lot to balance without a full 8hrs of sleep or (because who’s actually getting a full 8hrs every night?) a caffeinated pep in ya step.

But is there such a thing as bad energy?

Is there a bad way to keep calm and caffeinate on?

Is there a bad way to get through this rigmarole we call adulthood?

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: yes. And here’s why.

All caffeinated bevvies have to get their caffeine from somewhere, and we all shop around for what works best for our bevs.

But what works best for our bevs doesn’t always work best for our bods.

The big dawgs in energy tend to opt for caffeine sources like guarana and taurine. Think heart palpitations, chemically induced mortal panic attacks and the crash of all crashes a couple of hours later when the caffeine (and bucket loads of sugar it’s paired up with) starts to wear off.

We dunno what you’re into, but we dig our energy boost without the shakes or jitters.

That’s why the caffeinated bevvies in our drink lineup get that good energy straight from raw, unroasted green coffee beans. This fuels a more enduring hit that helps you keep on keeping on without feeling dragged under by the impending 3 PM hitting of the wall.

An energy hit without the guilty bit is our jam. Fuel up for good with Remedy KICK or Remedy Energy Shot

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