What Is Kombucha?

What Is Kombucha?

We’ve all been there. That awkward feeling when everyone else is all over something, and you have a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y no idea what they are on about... kombucha what? You wanna ask, but you know it’s too damn late.

We get it. Which is why we are here with the definitive guide to the question: what is kombucha?

Or, more accurately: what in the ever-loving heck is this drink everyone’s banging on about?

In a nutshell, kombucha (often lovingly referred to as “booch”) is fermented tea. The traditional method of making kombucha – which we follow at Remedy – involves a natural fermentation of sweet tea with a live culture. The live culture is known as a SCOBY, which stands for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast.

The result is a sparkling drink with sweet and sour flavours that contains the goodness of live cultures, tea polyphenols and organic acids. Better yet, it’s downright delicious! You can even brew your own booch at home.

Now, before you go passing it off as a fad, you should know that kombucha has quite a history behind it. It’s believed to have originated in China around 2000 years ago. People around the world have been making and enjoying kombucha for thousands of years, particularly throughout Eastern Europe and Asia.

At Remedy, we make our kombucha according to the same ancient traditions as the origins of kombucha. Long-aged brewed and FULL of the good stuff. In fact, Remedy started out on our founders’ Sarah and Emmet Condon’s kitchen bench, and we are still brewing with the same live culture they first started out with!


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