How To Enhance Your Morning And Night Routines

How To Enhance Your Morning And Night Routines

Did somebody say shots!?

We’re not talking about the kind that have you licking salt off the back of your hand in a nightclub full of bad 2000s mixes, but rather our mini but mighty shots of goodness that'll have you ready to seize the freakin’ day and surrender to the snooze.

Welcome to the world of Remedy Shots – and meet your new secret weapons to start and end the day right, Remedy Sleep and Remedy Energy. These mini but mighty shots are chock-full of all natural ingredients that are working for you as you go about your day or hit the hay (aka the cheapest assistant you’ll ever find).

But we know you want to see some credentials, so let’s get down to business.

Remedy Energy Shot

This high performer has what it takes to propel you to the next level at work, in your social life or even just getting the kids ready for school.

With a little help from green coffee bean extract, this little worker will deliver a clean caffeine boost and rivals the cup of joe with 60mg of caffeine packed inside!

And we must not forget that it also contains ginseng, a root used in traditional Chinese medicine, which is known for its naturally energising properties. Quite the resume, right?!

Remedy Sleep Shot

This shot is a little more down to earth with its blend of chamomile and passionflower tea. A chiller that’ll promote and prioritise your relaxation and a reliable aid for when it’s time to get in those much-needed Zzz’s.

Sleep is a team player that leans on amino acid, L-theanine and Valerian root, which can help ease anxiety, stress and can improve sleep. Rest assured, knowing this shot has your back when those niggly 3am thoughts try to roll on in.  

Now that you’ve got the low down on how to get the most out of your new hires, it’s important you support them to do their best work – by enhancing your morning and night-time routines.

Here’s a list of our fave healthy habits to start incorporating (with the extra boost from our shots, of course).


  • Try to keep off your phone for at least 30 minutes after rising and aim to get some sunlight before starting your day – TikTok isn’t going anywhere!  
  • Make your bed (it’ll make you feel like you’ve already accomplished something first thing)
  • Do one thing to make yourself feel good. This could be exercising, reading or even making a bougie breakfast.
  • Get a healthy dose of caffeine from our Remedy Energy shot, or if you prefer a coffee first thing, chuck one in your bag for when you need a pick-me-up throughout the day.


  • Reduce your screen time before bed- instead, pick up a book or listen to a meditation and give your eyes a break from that blue light!
  • Light a candle, scent your room with some linen spray or light incense to relax yourself before bed.
  • Take your Remedy Sleep shot right before doing your nightly hygiene and skin care routine- you might even want to pamper yourself with a face mask, so you’re feeling extra zen when you’re ready to jump into bed.

We’ve made our Remedy Energy and Remedy Sleep with speciality ingredients to help you to get the most out of your busy life, but remember, fam. They are designed to be a supplement to help you to keep up your existing healthy habits! Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge and the wellness artillery to help you smash your day (and night!), you’ll be ready for anything.

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