4 Reasons To Drink Kombucha

4 Reasons To Drink Kombucha

We all know the type. That friend who always knows what’s up when it comes to healthy eating. They were making quinoa salads for every bbq before you could pronounce the word. Cutting down carbs while the rest of us still thought we should be carb-loading. Quitting sugar while you were still on the low-fat train. Heck, maybe you even know one who activates their almonds.

We’d hazard a guess that same friend has also mentioned kombucha.

“OMG. I love kombucha. It’s seriously the best,” they gushed.

“I have one every day. Like, it’s literally changed my life. LITERALLY!” they exclaimed.

And with that, you tuned out, thinking but not wanting to say, “kom-WHAT-cha even on about?”

Fast forward a few months. You’ve figured out what kombucha is and can even pronounce it confidently (pssst, if unsure, it's 'kom-BOO-cha').

Maybe you tried it, liked it, and now want to start converting others? Perhaps you’re still tossing up whether to take the leap to try something new and you want to make sure you’re not buying into some fad. Or maybe you just need some cold hard facts to be convinced.

We’re here to help. We’ve taken all the hype and simplified the science to tell you four reasons why everyone should drink kombucha.

1. No sugar

We can’t speak for all kombucha brands, but Remedy Kombucha has no sugar, for real. At Remedy, we make kombucha in small batches and take our time during the fermentation process, letting the live cultures work their magic for up to four weeks. This means that while sugar goes in at the start, it all disappears, eaten up by the culture. We test every single batch to make sure of it.

2. Live cultures

Our kombucha is unfiltered and unpasteurised. This is super important because it means the live cultures that work their magic during fermentation are still present in the final product. That’s a good thing, especially for your gut.

Thanks to the work of many clever clogs scientists, we know for certain that good gut health is critical to overall health and wellbeing. It affects everything from our digestion to our mood. For reals. Google it.

Live cultures are good for your gut because they increase the diversity of your gut flora – AKA the good bugs that live in your gut.

They work together as a team to get things working as they should, and can also prevent the opportunistic growth of bad bugs that make you sick. So, the more diversity, the better!

3. Organic acids

So, what exactly happens to the sugar that disappears? It converts into healthy organic acids – AKA Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs). We know you’re probably not used to words like “acid” or “fatty” being good things, but trust us; these little fellas are a powerhouse of goodness. Organic acids can help:

  • Prevent overgrowth of bad bugs in your gut
  • Provide an energy source for the good bacteria in your gut
  • Regulate appetite
  • Stabilise blood sugar levels
  • Regulate cholesterol

4. Polyphenols

The words antioxidant and detox get tossed around a lot these days, especially in the wellness world. But when it comes to Remedy Kombucha, you can trust we don't throw them around lightly.

Antioxidants, specifically the tea polyphenols that occur naturally in the organic green and black tea we use to make our kombucha, can help your body fight illness by scavenging for cell-damaging free radicals in the body.

5. Above all...

If you made it this far, you’ll notice we said there were four reasons to drink kombucha… and here we are at number five! Unlike Mum grating carrot into the spag bol mix, we’re not trying to pull the wool over your eyes. We’d just be crazy if we didn’t mention one last reason why your mate probably keeps banging on about Remedy Kombucha…

On top of all that goodness, it tastes darn delicious too! Don’t believe it’s possible? Have a look at the huge range of kombucha flavours and take one for a spin!

Explore the range